- Retired (13)
- Ernest and Darlene Bauserman
- Al and Helga Bonikowsky
- John and Christa Boylston
- Marvine Cline — United States (Virginia)
- Arnold Futrell
- Dalton and Brenda Heath — United States
- Jack and Jonnie Hunt — United States (North Carolina)
- Randall and Linda Jordan
- Roy and Lou Ann Keiser
- Ruby Kersey
- Allen and Marion Mercer — South Africa (Republic of South Africa)
- Gerald and Marie Mosher
- Delia Shaw — Mexico
- Deputation (8)
- Cody and Nikayla Carden — See the Harvest Missions Trips
- Nathan and Hannah Fry
- Mike and Nancy Grove — New Zealand
- Elwood Hurst — Guam
- Ron and Loretta Jones
- Lisa Kendrick — Europe (Germany)
- Stephen and Jenifer Minion — Brazil
- Michael and Heather Salyer — Pacific Islands (Philippines)
- Furlough (4)
- Matthew and Brittany (Nikki) Brown — Southeast Asia (Cambodia)
- Jacob and Shera McKinney — Bolivia
- Mark and Diane Zimmer — Micronesia (Yap)
- Paul and Sherry Zimmer — Micronesia (Yap)
- Field (63)
- Russell and Mamie Bell — United States
- Roger and Mary Bergman — Europe (Spain)
- Kris and Rose Marie Blumer — South America (Peru)
- Andy and Mimi Bonikowsky — Europe (Spain)
- David and Raquel Bonikowsky — Europe (Spain)
- David and Amiee Marie Brubaker — United States (Washington)
- Markie and Christy Bullock — Europe (Spain)
- Joe Cannon — United States (North Carolina)
- Melissa Carlson — Europe (Sweden)
- Tatiana Cordeiro — South America (Brazil)
- Allinson and Floretta DaCosta — West Indies (Nevis)
- Joel and Cynthia Dickens — South America (Brazil)
- Morgan Dickens — Brazil
- Matthew and Colleen Dundon — United States (Philadelphia, PA)
- Gabriel and Susan Eiben — Micronesia (Pohnpei)
- Clayton and Linda Eliam — Micronesia (Pohnpei)
- Jackie and Brittany Elwart — United States (Big Bear, CA)
- Edgar and Rosann Feghaly — Middle East Outreach
- Seth and Kaitlin Folkers — Africa (Cameroon)
- Timothy and Stephanie Germano — West Indies (Dominican Republic)
- Kelly and Becca Gilliam — Australia
- Guy and Marilyn Grenade — Africa (Mauritius)
- Jamil and Karla Hadad — Middle East
- Ghassan and Ghada Haddad — Middle East Outreach
- Adrian and Emma Hendricks — Southeast Asia (India)
- Lewis and Kim Howell — New Zealand
- Stephen and Charity Jenney — United States (Southwestern U.S.)
- William Joel — Micronesia (Pohnpei)
- Jeremy and Tonya Kenney — Africa (Ghana)
- Keith and Julia Klaus — Europe (Germany)
- Stephen and Julie Knickerbocker — Africa (Burkina Faso)
- Salvador Lara, Jr. — Mexico
- Colton and Melodie Lee — Pacific Islands (Solomon Island)
- Jeremy and Esther Lockhart — United States
- Carrie Mathena — West Indies (Grenada)
- Pat Mathena — West Indies (Grenada)
- George and Patricia Milgrim — United States (Hawaii)
- Scott and Marilee Norman — International (World Wide Furlough Replacement)
- John and Kim O’Malley — United States
- Rolando and Hannah Ortiz — Mexico
- Sonny and Lihna Padock — Micronesia (Pohnpei)
- Jack and Melinda Peeler — United States
- Ethan and Brittany Prater — Dominican Republic
- David and Millie Preston — United States (Utah)
- David and Melissa Price — Europe (France)
- David and Heidi Racke — United States (Florida)
- Elsa Ramirez — Mexico
- Joshua and Vashtee Rhoades — Philippines
- Michael and April Riffel — Asia (Japan)
- Matthew and Rebecca Rose — Africa (Kenya)
- Alejandro Sanchez — Europe (Spain)
- Jerry, Jr. and Itzen Shaw — Mexico
- Mike and Sue Smith — United States (Arizona)
- Joel and Noel Smothers — South America (Brazil)
- Timothy and Kristin Stalcup
- Nick and Lindsey Stelzig — United States (Boston)
- Kevin and Hannah Taylor — Mexico
- Ricardo and Antelise Vera Cruz — Micronesia (Pohnpei)
- Stephen and Anelly Villarreal — Mexico
- Esther Welles — Micronesia (Pohnpei)
- Danny and Darleen Whetstone — United States
- Ernest and Nancy Wyrick — United States (Alaska)
- Georg and Opal Zimmer — West Indies
Missionary Status
- Retired (13)
- Deputation (8)
- Furlough (4)
- Field (63)