Questions To Learn About A Missions Agency

1. If I am in another country where English is a second language, may I use another English version of the Bible that may be easier for them to read?

2. What would be your procedures if I wanted to move my ministry to another city but in the same country? Would I need your permission to do so? Would my Pastor have a say?

3. If I wanted to change from Church Planting to Seminary work, how would I go about making that change in regards to you being my mission organization?

4. What role does the missions agency play in setting my support amount?

5. What role will my home and sending Pastor have in my ministry?

6. What has changed in your doctrinal statement in the last decade?

7. Is your organization governed by rules or principles?

8. What is your philosophy about music?

9. What is your philosophy about personal separation?

10. Will you give me your policies and procedures manual before I join your organization?

11. Do you accept missionaries with a divorce in the background of either spouse?

12. What is your position on Calvinism? If I’m a 2-3 point Calvinist, can I join your group?

13. If I have a moral failure on the field, what will happen? What are your procedures? Will my Pastor have any say? If so, at what point?

14. If my children get in moral trouble on the field, what are your procedures?

15. Please explain your application process. How do I go from our conversation now to joining your board? Please explain in detail.

16. What role does my sending church play in my ministry?

17. From what kind of churches can your missionaries raise their support? (Southern Baptist; Bible Churches; Charismatic; Evangelical; etc.) Are there churches where your missionaries can not raise support?

18. Why did the last three families resign from your missions agency?

19. What reports does your agency require? Financial? Spiritual activities?

20. Do you have field counsels and committees? Do they have any say in what I can and can’t do? Is there a field hierarchy I have to work within?

21. What are the academic requirements for joining with you?

22. If I get a divorce, can I remain a missionary with you?

23. Are there any missions agencies your missionaries can not cooperate with on the field?

24. What safeguards are in place to keep your agency from drifting toward compromise?

25. Does my spouse have to be called to my field?

26. Do you accept unmarried men or women as missionaries?

27. What would constitute an immediate dismissal from your agency? How would that play out? Would my Pastor be notified, or would he be given the option to lead, or would he just be informed?

28. What specialized training do you offer your missionaries?

29. What one thing distinguishes your agency from other missions agencies?

30. If you personally weren’t with the agency you’re with, which agency would be your second choice?

For a PDF of these questions, click here.