I count it a privilege to have known Brother Bill Wingard over the past forty-five years. He has been a faithful servant of God, a missionary statesman, a stalwart soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ in the battle of the ages. And, I am thankful for the inspiration and encouragement he gave to me and others in the ministry, both young and old, with whom he had contact. Even though he was awarded an honorary doctor’s degree, he never displayed an air of superiority over his acquaintances. What an example. ” For now it’s goodbye . . . I’ll see you in Glory someday.”
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Steve Tyson
Our prayers are with the family of an incredible man that made a difference to so many people. Rest in peace Pastor Wingard.
Jerry Schill
On September 14, 1993, Bill Wingard wrote me a letter and mailed it to my home. This was prior to meeting him in 1994 at one of the first meetings of the Craven-Pamlico Christian Coalition of which I was a founding member.
Christian leaders like Bill and the late Walter Leake had a tremendous influence on my spiritual journey. In recent years, I would see Bill in Raleigh when he was visiting legislators and praying with and for them.
In his brief letter, he thanked me for my “…support for our fishermen…” Little did he know that 27 years later, I’d still be doing it. Amazing to me is the fact that I was able to find the letter in less than two minutes.
He began his letter, “I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” He ended it, “Sincerely in Christ’s name,”.
A true Christian Brother and friend, he will be missed.
Jerry Schill, Chairman
God and Country Christian Alliance
formerly Craven-Pamlico Christian Coalition
Judy Jones
My Dad, Bro. Jack Phillips and Bro. Bill Wingard were close friends. I can recall daddy saying how much of a prayer warrior Bro. Bill was. They could be at the hospital or just anywhere and if they had a need to pray they both would drop to their knees .(right then). I saw Bro. Bill in court one day and I sit beside him. I was there to talk to the judge about someone and so was Bro. Bill. We talked about his church and my church. He loved my daddy. They were both soul winners. I told him that I played the piano for my church and how happy I was to help my daddy in his ministry.
He looked at me and smiled and said , “your just like my Jan.” That day in court I was so nervous but he prayed for me and I got through it. I’m sure right now Bro. Bill Wingard and Bro. Jack Phillips are having a great time. God bless the Wingard Family and his church family and friends.
Dr. Ramesh & Christine Kumar
Tribute to Dr. Bill Wingard.
We The Kumar’s thank God our Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for giving us the privilege to meet
Dr. Bill Wingard. This great visionary concerning World Wide Missions in 1986. God has used him to blaze trials World Wide in planting New Testament Biblical Baptist Churches. Thank God for his missionary spirit and to him that loved us with an everlasting love and in loving kindness called us unto himself. He has been a Godly friend through the years.
A man of great integrity and high competence in expounding the Inspired word of God. We do not harbour sorrow at Dr. Bill Wingard passing away into the presence of Christ. Being a Biblical Baptist, However our hearts go out to Mrs. Wingard during this time of berevement.
We stand by you in your time of grief. We pray that almighty will provide strength to you and the rest of the family to cope with the absence. Indeed he is present with the Lord.
Now we have our treasure in heaven Hosea 14:9 states “The ways of the lord is right.” Prophet Isaiah states in 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways.” Such being the case acceptance is needed in loss and pain.
May our Triune God Elohim grant HIS grace to accept the ways of the Lord to endure it. Occasionally spasms of sorrow still flash across our mind like lightning.
The Baton has been passed on to his World wlWide New Testament Baptist Missions family and his World Wide Missionaries in The Lord to continue the race with the same fervour and enthusiasm.
The Kumar’s,
Shalom Biblical Baptist Church Ministries,
Bangalore – INDIA.
Sammy McNeill
I could say many things, but I’ll just say what I’ve told everyone I’ve met since meeting Pastor Wingard . He was the greatest example of a Christian that I have ever had the honor of knowing.. He was my friend and my Brother in Christ and one day we’ll meet again. Until then I’ll honor him in my service to Christ. Love you Pastor Wingard.
Melanie Centanni
Pastor Wingard’s light always shined bright! You could just see Christ in his words and actions. My husband and I were blessed to have known him, if only for a short while. No doubt Pastor’s greeting in Heaven was “well done my good and faithful servant.” I already miss his kind smile.
Robin Rogers
Pastor Wingard was my pastor, my friend, my brother in Christ and so much more. He was a humble man who gave beyond expectation, and prayed at every turn even when you didn’t expect him to; that was just Pastor Wingard’s love for people and their needs. He is a gold nugget who has finished his course and is now comforted in the arms of the Lord.
John Arrowood
Dr. Wingard was one of the best people on Earth. I knew him for almost twenty years as a friend, neighbor and patient (I broke the HIPPA rules but I do not care. They are ridiculous.) He was one of the most inspired pastors that I met. He was truly a missionary for Christianity and a wonderful, brilliant man. Our Earth will miss his presence but what a wonderful asset Heaven has received. His good deeds to the poor and needy will be sorely missed. His family should feel honored and blessed by his service to Our Lord. We rejoice in his service on this Earth.
Enoch Kumar
Memory of Pastor Wingard, chronicled in my life, goes back to the year 1999. I was then a seminary student at Tabernacle Baptist Theological Seminary, Virginia Beach, VA. It is now 22 years and I have not forgotten what Pastor Wingard taught me in that brief visit. I was lodged in his home. At the supper table that evening he graciously invited me to join him on a hospital visit the next morning. The next morning I was ready, and so was he with great excitement. Before we left the house Pastor Wingard said- Brother Enoch let’s pray. He prayed. We walked out to his car together and as we seated ourselves he prayed for journey mercies. In our short travel to the hospital he talked to me about the importance of prayer in the life of a believer. Upon arriving at the hospital he prayed again and thanked the Lord for safety on the road. As we approached the hospital entrance, he prayed again asking the Lord for help as he ministered. At the hospital bed he prayed. Before leaving the room he prayed. This continued until we returned home. On that day I saw a man who genuinely and sincerely loved to talk to the Lord
Christ has conquered the awful enemy death and given us eternal hope. He has taken the sting out – we sorrow, but not in hopelessness.
Proverbs 14:32 says “…the righteous hath hope in his death.”
Pastor Wingard has been delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. He now knows the bliss and glory of Heaven in the real and unhindered presence of Jesus Christ where there is no more sickness, suffering, sorrow or pain.
May the Spirit of God send waves of comfort, hope, peace and assurance to your hearts and sustain and strengthen in the face of this temporary absence.
Enoch Kumar
Missionary to India