Family Fellowship Week Messages

Our theme for Family Fellowship Week was “For God So Loved The World.” Truly, there is no clearer defining statement in missions. God’s love declares our message, defines our mission, and dictates our mandate. As you review some notes from these messages, we trust that you will be encouraged as you are reminded of the love of God for mankind.

How to Love the World

The Bible shows us Love’s Example (Jn. 3:16); Love’s Expectation (Jn. 20:21); Love’s Empowering (Rom. 5:5); and Love’s Effort (I Cor. 13). How do we love others? We must be patient with people. We are expected to emulate the Lord, and no one is so patient as He is. We must be kind. This entails being courteous, good, and helpful; actively seeking the good will of others; and being willing to give of yourself. This demands effort and action on our part, but does not depend on the actions of the one receiving our kindness. We must not be jealous. Do not build your ministry by trying to outdo others. God works in your life and meets your need. We must not be proud. Combat pride by loving the Lord, loving others, and considering others valuable in the eyes of the Lord. Jealousy is wanting what others have; bragging is trying to make them want what you have. Both are results of pride. Bragging is the motion, but pride is the motive.  Arrogance is big headed, while love is big hearted.  –  Gene Krachenfels

God Loves the World, and the ‘Whosoevers’

We are told that God loves the world (Jn. 3:16), yet we are commanded not to love the world (I Jn. 2:15.)  In studying Scripture, we find that the world is never used in a good fashion.  God’s love is for a condemned world.  When we try to love the world, we do so for all the wrong reasons.  The only way that we can truly love the world is for us to allow God to love the world through us. We must look for opportunities for God’s love to shine through us to the vile, ugly sinners of the world. God loves not only the world as a whole, but specifically the  ‘whosoevers,’ or the small section of those in the world who will choose to believe on Him.  We must allow His love to flow through us, so that unbelievers will see His Light, and be drawn to His Love, thereby becoming one of the ‘whosoevers’ who believe on Him, and receive everlasting life.  –  Fred Daniel Jr.

My God So Loved

This God who loves the world is my God. All of the attributes of God found throughout the Bible are found in the message of John 3:16. His love does not take away from His justice. He loves even though He is sovereign. He loves even though He is omniscient and knows that men will reject His love. There is nobody higher, more powerful, or more knowledgeable, yet He still loves. He so loved that He gave. The extent of His love is universal in scope. The only limit to His love is the limit of those who refuse to believe on Him and accept the love that He freely offers. His love for us is beyond comprehension, and complete. It is our responsibility to accept it.  –  James Bailey

What Manner of Love

God’s love is a personal love. He draws us to Himself and adopts us into His family. (I Jn. 3:1-3) God’s love is an everlasting love.  He does not give up on us when we sin, but continues to draw us to Himself, even when we have left our first love. (Jer. 31:3) God’s love is universal. (Jn. 3:16) God’s love is encompassing. He brings us to a certain place, and puts His banner over us. (Song of Solomon 2:4) God’s love is measureless. We are rooted in Him, and bear fruit from Him. What the roots soak up is what hangs from the branches. We cannot put our roots into soiled ground and expect to bear good fruit.  We must be rooted in love. (Eph. 3:17-19)  –  Russell Bell

God’s Love Through Time

Each of us has been placed on the earth in God’s perfect time, to show forth His love to this generation. We must endeavor to love those around us. In past time, God loved the fallen creation. He loved enough to create human beings who He already knew would sin, and created them anyway even though He knew it meant He would have to give His Son to die for them. He loved the faithless. He chose Israel and continued to love them, though they continually complained in the midst of His deliverance. He loved enough to list the faith as well as the failures of Old Testament saints, to give us an example. Yet on this side of the cross, in Hebrews 11, there is no mention of their failures; only of their faith. In the present time, God loves the church. He has given His Word to wash us and cleanse us, so that we can manifest His love. God is preparing a place for us, so that in the future, He can take those He loves to live with Him for eternity.  –  Tim Daniel