Read a tribute of Dr. Wingard’s life and ministry.
Billy Ray Wingard was born to John Earl and Sallie Wingard in Langley, SC, on March 27, 1934. He was one of four children. He was saved at the age of 21 while serving as a Navy Corpsman attached to the 1st Marine Division in Norfolk, VA. He married Arlie Cartwright on September 16, 1955. Together they raised four children: Billy, Jan, Pam, and Patti.
Bro. Wingard attended Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, where he earned both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts degree. He later received an honorary Doctorate of Humanities from Bob Jones University and a Doctorate of Divinity from Heritage College of Orlando, FL.
He became pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in New Bern, NC in 1962, and later began the Calvary Baptist Church School in 1969. Under his leadership, the church has assisted in several church plants and is also home to MissionAero, which serves missionaries through aviation. In addition, he founded “The Calvary Hour,” which is a daily radio broadcast.
In February of 1964, while sitting in a barbershop, the LORD used a Saturday Evening Post article to burden his heart for the Micronesian Islands. He began to pray and research ways to get the Gospel to the people of these forgotten islands. He surrendered to go to Micronesia as a missionary, but the LORD did not give him peace. He continued to pray for Micronesia for seven years and enlisted other preachers to do the same.
In February 1971, the LORD opened the door for Dr. Wingard to found the World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions Agency along with Russell Bell, Clyde Eborn, and Robert Winstead. He served as the Chairman of the Board for fifty years, during which time WWNTBM has assisted 300 missionaries in more than 65 countries. What began as a desire to reach a few small islands in the Pacific Ocean has grown to spread the Gospel literally around the world.
Throughout his ministry, Dr. Wingard had the privilege to preach in the Caribbean, the Philippines, and the islands of the western Pacific, including Majuro, Pohnpei, and Guam. He also had the honor of visiting Christians and preaching in Romania, India, Canada, and throughout the United States. He had a passion for reaching the lost and for encouraging others in their service.
Preacher Bill was known as a humble servant of his LORD. His life principle was to “serve faithfully in his present season of life.” He exemplified this principle in his care for his family, Calvary Baptist Church, and the ministry of WWNTBM. His life was an example of Christian piety, gentlemanliness, compassion, charity, counsel, and kindness. He had a quiet strength and discernment and the ability to make others feel at ease even in times of great distress. He was a prayer warrior who would often pause to pray about a need mentioned in the conversation.
On March 12, 2021, following a brief battle with cancer, “Preacher Bill” entered into the joy of his LORD. In one of his last messages to Calvary Baptist Church, he mentioned meditating on Psalm 91. The psalmist closed with a promise that was fulfilled in Dr. Wingard’s life. “Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.”
He is survived by his wife, Arlie Wingard; his children, Billy (Grace) Wingard, Jan (Anthony) Raynor, Pam Albert, and Patti (Jim) Spencer; his brother, Stanley (Carol) Wingard; as well as 13 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents John Earl and Sallie Wingard; his brother Doug (Bea) Wingard; and his sister Mildred (Billy) Twilley.
Please see below to share your memories of Dr. Wingard. Condolences may also be sent the family at Calvary Baptist Church, P.O. Box 1089, New Bern, NC 28563.
“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.”
Isaiah 54:17
Linda Butler
Pastor Wingard and Calvary Baptist Church taught me & my Marine Husband so much in our young marriage. God directed me to the church through the Yellow Pages. I needed to find a job teaching & a place to live. I called Calvary asking if there was a need. I was Connected to Pastor Wingard. Yes they had opening. It was August/ September. My husband was returning from Vietnam. He hired me on the phone. I felt it was God’s will and Pastors voice sounded like the Actor Forest Tucker. ( LOL). I had majored in English & Speach @ Mississippi State College for Women. I was an only Child from Memphis, Tennessee. A new bride leaving home for the first time. My husband & I ride into town will no home, rental arriving on a Sunday afternoon. We all met, prayed a Monday afternoon a rental house became available 4 houses from the church. We knew it was definitely God’s will. I taught 7/ 8 English. My Marine husband drove to Camp LeJune every day an we drove a Church Bus on Sundays. I learned trust in Lord in those old buses. I give this history to testify how I learned trust in Lord, keep eyes on Lord not Man, an to be humble in all ways of Life. Pastor Wingard was God’s most humble person I ever meet in my life. This was 46/47 years ago. I spoke & prayed with Pastor several times a year. During those years he had church secretary send me cassettes of Sermons. I so wish I still had them. I am not good with getting video on my phone. I pray to find someone to help me so I can see & hear Pastors voice a few more times. I still pray for Calvary all the time. I have never been in a Church like Calvary. Blessings to his lovely wife an children. I just thought of him an his phone rang too many times with no answer. I knew he was with Jesus.Amie Duncan
I moved to New Bern couple years ago and starting getting involved with churches in the area and learned about a Pastor Bill Wingard who just past away. Everyone who mentioned him had the highest respect for him. Today September 2023 I was visiting with my Aunt Patti who lives in Scioto County Ohio and she had told me she knew a Pastor in New Bern he had been my Uncle’s College Buddy, (my uncle was Clint Arthur) He and I had been talking about the way that the Lord reveals himself. I had never meet Brother Wingard and yet he was closely involved with my family!
Eddie Jones
As a pastor/evangelist I had great fellowship with my brother Pastor Bill. Each time I would visit Calvary Baptist he would ask me to sing. I am also a Gospel singer and have made an album called “Jesus Use Me” and a CD. He always asked me to sing the same song :” I’ve Had A Glimpse of Jesus”. I must have visited Calvary just before he passed as that was about the time I visited the church. He saw me in the audience and asked me if I was still singing Gospel Concerts. I loved him greatly and will miss him but I will see him soon as I am 91 years old and still preaching and singing for the Lord.
Chaplain Timothy and Jami Miller
Tim and I joined Calvary Baptist Church in fall/winter of 2004 and left for Bible College in Fall 2006 after Tim’s enlistment in the USMC was complete. This was our first congregation we joined together as a married couple and I was pregnant with our daughter (Esther). Pastor Wingard Baptized me and joked, “I don’t normally baptize babies but I’ll have to make an exception in this case.”
Our time knowing Pastor Wingard and the congregation was short but impactful in our lives. Their ministry to us was invaluable and even influenced our launch into our own ministry. I have many fond memories of Pastor Wingard and his care for and love of people and I’ll continue to look forward to meeting him again in Heaven when God’s work in my life is done and I’m called home.
I’ll continue to pray for the people of Calvary Baptist Church every time they come up in memory.
-Jami (and Tim, Esther, Savannah, and Hadassah)
Gordon Welles
I was blessed on many occasions to be in the presence of this gentle giant. Pastor Wingard visited our home in Pohnpei, Micronesia multiple times during the early years of the ministry there. We also had the privilege of visiting their home several times when our dad was on furlough. Great man of God, and a great preacher as well!
Fred Daniel Jr
I met Pastor Wingard at a very low spot in my life. He encouraged me, loved on me, had me stay in his home for a few days. He had a practice of stopping to pray for people immediately when they made known a prayer request – that impressed me. For well over 30 years I sat to his left at all WWNTBM Executive Board meetings so I could accurately record the minutes. In the minutes of discussions, he often leaned over and shared nuggets from his many years of ministry. He became the older brother I never had. He will forever hold a prized place in my heart!
Danny Whetstone
Pastor Wingard was the single greatest influence in my life and ministry from the human side of the equation. For thirty six years I leaned on his wisdom, and I miss him daily. He was practical, humble and longsuffering. He will forever be remembered in the hearts of the many lives that he touched throughout his earthly journey.
Jack & Melinda Peeler
Pastor Wingard was such an encouragement to us when he came to our church to preach a revival. God was dealing with us about offering ourselves as missionaries in a helps ministry to other missionaries with building and maintenance. When we approached him with the idea, he was compassionate and wanted to help us reach the goal. He offered his help and told us to contact the mission office, When we were accepted as missionaries, he made a time for us to present the work to his church. He was a humble man seeking God’s will for his life each day. He was such a blessing to us every time we were privileged to be with him.
Roger Bergman
Brother Wingard was the quintessential Christian gentleman. You could not be in his presence even a few moments without realizing that you were far more important than he ever considered himself to be. The impression he left you with was that he was nothing, while you were everything. Such humility is rare, but it was genuine. He never wavered from his commitment to others. Perhaps the most impactful practical truth he shared with total transparency was and is the importance of spending time with family, especially with your children. He didn’t pretend to have found the secret to actually do it, but he insisted on encouraging others to pursue it unrelentingly. What a blessing this man was to our family!
Michael Fallon
I was a young Airmen, in the USAF, when Dr. Wingard preached a series of sermons,at Harvest Baptist Church, while I was stationed on Guam, USA, in 1981. He was inspiring and a real fireball back then. Harvest was a small church, and his booming voice was easily heard. A few years ago, I decided to see if he was still preaching, and I found him on the Calvary Baptist website, and regularly watched his sermons online. It was a real blessing to hear him preach again.
Elsa Ramírez
Around thirty years ago, Pastor Wingard welcomed me into the Mission and I have never forgotten my first impressions of him. He received me in his Pastor’s office and prayed before and after the
interview. Arlie, his wife, joined us and we went out to eat, not without praying twice when we got into and out of the car as we arrived at the restaurant. When we entered there, he thanked God for His protection and asked Him to witness to someone. The waitress came and he witnessed to her and prayed with her. Then, as she went to serve other tables, he prayed for the sown seed to bring fruit. As the meal was served, he prayed for it and the fellowship around the table. Before leaving the place, he prayed. And he prayed as we got into and out of the car again. Just before I left, he prayed one more time. Truly, I had never been before, nor after, with a Christian like him. Several years ago, the mission’s demands had grown so that he had to decide between to be a full time Pastor or a fulltime Mission’s President. I remember very well how I begged him to remain as our President, for I had learned the importance of having a Mission’s President who walked closely to the Lord. Truly, I am and shall be forever grateful to God for the privilege to finally belong to a Mission that STILL respects and follows the leading of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Wingard will be greatly missed.
Elsa Ramírez, missionary with World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions to the needy field of Tijuana, Baja California, México.
Tim Daniel
Pastor Wingard was a special blessing to me in many ways. When I was a young pastor and had only been in Kinston, NC, for two years, went to see him because I was discouraged. I explained to him how we only had twenty-four people attending church. He asked how many we started with and I told him twelve. He said, “I wish I could say that, you’ve had 100% growth in two years.” Now, having been the pastor of NTBC 34 years, Pastor Wingard and I have been friends and co-laborers in the ministry for years. Thank you Pastor Wingard for all of the prayers, encouragement, and blessings of being my friend in the ministry. I esteem you highly and treasure the times we had together!
Lynda Ireland-Daniels
Oh my what a great testament of a brother that was so loved and respected. I met Pastor when I was a teen. My uncle Floyd Ireland and his family were members at the church and I went to visit. Such a awesome time of learning. Then when I had my hip replacement I remember Pastor Bill coming to my home for prayer and to see if there was anything I needed. He was truly a man of God. You will truly be missed Pastor Bill. You left God’s LOVE on a many of hearts. Thank you for your amazing service. God bless the family and keep them lifted .
Ernie and Nancy Wyrick
Pastor Wingard was a dear friend from the first day we met. Each time we saw were together he was just as he was the first day we met – having that servant’s heart as only he could have and being an encouragement to us just as he was that first day we met in New Bern, NC at the old WW office. He would call us or send a card in the mail, or just send us a text at just the right time. We would be going through some trial or sickness and he would be there in prayer. It was a wonderful privilege to have known him and to be able to serve with him spreading the Gospel to a lost world. If there is one thing that sticks in my mind about Pastor Wingard, it is that if you or someone else came up to him and asked him if he would pray for someone or some need, he would stop, no matter where he was or what he was doing and pray for that request right there. He was a true servant and will truly be missed. But I am looking forward to seeing him soon.
Nancy and I are praying for that peace and comfort that only God can give for his family and church family.
Scott Norman
I have known Bill Wingard for nearly thirty years, and there is not enough room for me to express my thoughts and recollections of one of the greatest Christian men I have ever known. He was a godly mentor and a dear friend who always had time to talk, counsel, and encourage. When I first met Brother Wingard, I had no idea that I would eventually serve the Lord in Micronesia for twenty years. During those years, I would on occasion find myself calling him for advice and counsel, and he always took the time to help and encourage this insignificant missionary. He never seemed to be bothered and showed a genuine interest in my welfare. He was a gentleman of the highest degree, and I will never forget his bold stand on Biblical principles and his humble walk before God and man. As most folks know, he was a rather tall man, but he stood much taller in my eyes with his dedication and focus on the ministry into which God called him. He will be sorely missed. His wisdom, his counsel, his advice, his humor, and his godly testimony will never be forgotten. He was in my eyes one of the choicest servants of God to ever walk the paths of this needy world and did all he could to address those needs. Farewell, my dear brother. We will miss you, but thank God, we will see you again some day.
Jack Hunt
I first met Preacher Bill at Grace Baptist Church in Wilmington, NC. He preached a message I have never forgotten… ” Jeroboam, Rehoboam, and all the Boam Boys” at the IFFB Conference. What a great meeting that was! I was a new convert, and I think it was about 1966 or 1967. He literally ‘stood head and shoulders’ above most everyone. I was impressed with his gentle, genuine demeanor, and his kind personal interest in me and my wife Jonnie. At the time I did not know that one day he would become our pastor in New Bern for the next 46 plus years.
In the early 1970’s after meeting missionaries using aircraft, hearing of needs, I was interested in seeing someone start an Aviation Ministry in a fundamental Baptist mission, or college. I had talked with a mission board and a Bible college… they were interested but did not feel that they wanted the undertaking.
On a quiet Sunday afternoon I called Pastor Bill at home… I had heard that he had a Piper Cherokee 235 aircraft, and being a pilot and flight instructor I wanted to ask him about it, and how he was using it. We had a great time talking about the Lord and flying. As we talked I mentioned my burden about training missionary pilots… missionaries that wanted to use an aircraft in very remote parts of the world, also to be able to support them with aircraft parts, and assist them at times on the field with maintenance and flying.
He was INTERESTED! He asked if I could come to New Bern and share that burden with the men on a Tuesday in a WWNTBM Board. meeting. I readily agreed… and after meeting with them a couple of times, Pastor Wingard asked if we would pray about coming to New Bern to start an aviation ministry, and said “that the man with the burden would be the best man for the job”. I said yes I would pray… but I felt unqualified to do that myself. After much prayer and some opposition from you know who… we said yes we would do so if we passed the Board’s examination. We did so in November of 1973, moved to New Bern in September of 1974 and Mission Aeroservices was born. We have seen miracle after miracle, even amid times of testing, and God’s faithful hand of supply. If it had not been for my big brother, Pastor Bill Wingard, I might never had gone into full time service, and might have missed the LORD.
Ray & Sherrill Fulayter
We appreciate and love Brother Wingard. His service to our Lord is extended through the many individuals he ministered to down through his life. His influence was tremendous and will be continued as the Lord’s people remain faithful to fulfill the Great Commission Christ gave to each member of the Family of God! Praise to God who gives us hope in the Person and work of Christ!
Ernest & Darlene Bauserman
“Graciousness” is the word that rings out in our hearts as we think of Pastor Wingard. God used this saint to touch our lives in countless ways. Many were the times when, by his godly walk, this man taught us true Christian living. He was a good soldier, a caring friend, and a great example for us to follow. It was a tremendous privilege to have had the opportunity to know Pastor Bill Wingard.
Fern Kruse
My thanks to the Lord for the privilege of being a part of Calvary’s missionary family since meeting Brother Wingard in 1976. He and Arlie have a very special place in my heart , remembering our times of blessed fellowship together, both in church meetings and in their home. I learned much from him and cherish every memory, remembering especially some conversations we had in the office about reaching young people today as I was in the campus ministry. Thanks to Calvary for these many years of faithful support to this day. My sympathies and prayers are with you.
In Christ,
Fern Kruse
Baptist Mid-missions
HEB. 6:10
Milad Khaled
We thank God for Brother Wingard and for what he has done to glorify his Savior. (Proverb 10: 7) “The memory of the just is blessed”
Ghassan Haddad
I can not forgot the day when I was interviewed to be accepted as Missionary with WWNTBM. It was June 2006 when this giant of faith entered the room and challenged me with pastoral and biblical questions. I thought I am destroyed, but when I asked him a question and how he answered in humble way. I said and still saying: Lord I want to be like this man, your servant.
Through the years, when we meet in family weeks, chat on Facebook, correspondence by emails. He was inspirational leader and mentor to me. He helped me to change many things. Thank you Dr. Bill Wingard.
At the end, words cannot give him his right. He was like his master.
I count it a privilege to have known Brother Bill Wingard over the past forty-five years. He has been a faithful servant of God, a missionary statesman, a stalwart soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ in the battle of the ages. And, I am thankful for the inspiration and encouragement he gave to me and others in the ministry, both young and old, with whom he had contact. Even though he was awarded an honorary doctor’s degree, he never displayed an air of superiority over his acquaintances. What an example. ” For now it’s goodbye . . . I’ll see you in Glory someday.”
Steve Tyson
Our prayers are with the family of an incredible man that made a difference to so many people. Rest in peace Pastor Wingard.
Jerry Schill
On September 14, 1993, Bill Wingard wrote me a letter and mailed it to my home. This was prior to meeting him in 1994 at one of the first meetings of the Craven-Pamlico Christian Coalition of which I was a founding member.
Christian leaders like Bill and the late Walter Leake had a tremendous influence on my spiritual journey. In recent years, I would see Bill in Raleigh when he was visiting legislators and praying with and for them.
In his brief letter, he thanked me for my “…support for our fishermen…” Little did he know that 27 years later, I’d still be doing it. Amazing to me is the fact that I was able to find the letter in less than two minutes.
He began his letter, “I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” He ended it, “Sincerely in Christ’s name,”.
A true Christian Brother and friend, he will be missed.
Jerry Schill, Chairman
God and Country Christian Alliance
formerly Craven-Pamlico Christian Coalition
Judy Jones
My Dad, Bro. Jack Phillips and Bro. Bill Wingard were close friends. I can recall daddy saying how much of a prayer warrior Bro. Bill was. They could be at the hospital or just anywhere and if they had a need to pray they both would drop to their knees .(right then). I saw Bro. Bill in court one day and I sit beside him. I was there to talk to the judge about someone and so was Bro. Bill. We talked about his church and my church. He loved my daddy. They were both soul winners. I told him that I played the piano for my church and how happy I was to help my daddy in his ministry.
He looked at me and smiled and said , “your just like my Jan.” That day in court I was so nervous but he prayed for me and I got through it. I’m sure right now Bro. Bill Wingard and Bro. Jack Phillips are having a great time. God bless the Wingard Family and his church family and friends.
Dr. Ramesh & Christine Kumar
Tribute to Dr. Bill Wingard.
We The Kumar’s thank God our Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for giving us the privilege to meet
Dr. Bill Wingard. This great visionary concerning World Wide Missions in 1986. God has used him to blaze trials World Wide in planting New Testament Biblical Baptist Churches. Thank God for his missionary spirit and to him that loved us with an everlasting love and in loving kindness called us unto himself. He has been a Godly friend through the years.
A man of great integrity and high competence in expounding the Inspired word of God. We do not harbour sorrow at Dr. Bill Wingard passing away into the presence of Christ. Being a Biblical Baptist, However our hearts go out to Mrs. Wingard during this time of berevement.
We stand by you in your time of grief. We pray that almighty will provide strength to you and the rest of the family to cope with the absence. Indeed he is present with the Lord.
Now we have our treasure in heaven Hosea 14:9 states “The ways of the lord is right.” Prophet Isaiah states in 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways.” Such being the case acceptance is needed in loss and pain.
May our Triune God Elohim grant HIS grace to accept the ways of the Lord to endure it. Occasionally spasms of sorrow still flash across our mind like lightning.
The Baton has been passed on to his World wlWide New Testament Baptist Missions family and his World Wide Missionaries in The Lord to continue the race with the same fervour and enthusiasm.
The Kumar’s,
Shalom Biblical Baptist Church Ministries,
Bangalore – INDIA.
Melanie Centanni
Pastor Wingard’s light always shined bright! You could just see Christ in his words and actions. My husband and I were blessed to have known him, if only for a short while. No doubt Pastor’s greeting in Heaven was “well done my good and faithful servant.” I already miss his kind smile.
Sammy McNeill
I could say many things, but I’ll just say what I’ve told everyone I’ve met since meeting Pastor Wingard . He was the greatest example of a Christian that I have ever had the honor of knowing.. He was my friend and my Brother in Christ and one day we’ll meet again. Until then I’ll honor him in my service to Christ. Love you Pastor Wingard.
Robin Rogers
Pastor Wingard was my pastor, my friend, my brother in Christ and so much more. He was a humble man who gave beyond expectation, and prayed at every turn even when you didn’t expect him to; that was just Pastor Wingard’s love for people and their needs. He is a gold nugget who has finished his course and is now comforted in the arms of the Lord.
John Arrowood
Dr. Wingard was one of the best people on Earth. I knew him for almost twenty years as a friend, neighbor and patient (I broke the HIPPA rules but I do not care. They are ridiculous.) He was one of the most inspired pastors that I met. He was truly a missionary for Christianity and a wonderful, brilliant man. Our Earth will miss his presence but what a wonderful asset Heaven has received. His good deeds to the poor and needy will be sorely missed. His family should feel honored and blessed by his service to Our Lord. We rejoice in his service on this Earth.
Enoch Kumar
Memory of Pastor Wingard, chronicled in my life, goes back to the year 1999. I was then a seminary student at Tabernacle Baptist Theological Seminary, Virginia Beach, VA. It is now 22 years and I have not forgotten what Pastor Wingard taught me in that brief visit. I was lodged in his home. At the supper table that evening he graciously invited me to join him on a hospital visit the next morning. The next morning I was ready, and so was he with great excitement. Before we left the house Pastor Wingard said- Brother Enoch let’s pray. He prayed. We walked out to his car together and as we seated ourselves he prayed for journey mercies. In our short travel to the hospital he talked to me about the importance of prayer in the life of a believer. Upon arriving at the hospital he prayed again and thanked the Lord for safety on the road. As we approached the hospital entrance, he prayed again asking the Lord for help as he ministered. At the hospital bed he prayed. Before leaving the room he prayed. This continued until we returned home. On that day I saw a man who genuinely and sincerely loved to talk to the Lord
Christ has conquered the awful enemy death and given us eternal hope. He has taken the sting out – we sorrow, but not in hopelessness.
Proverbs 14:32 says “…the righteous hath hope in his death.”
Pastor Wingard has been delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. He now knows the bliss and glory of Heaven in the real and unhindered presence of Jesus Christ where there is no more sickness, suffering, sorrow or pain.
May the Spirit of God send waves of comfort, hope, peace and assurance to your hearts and sustain and strengthen in the face of this temporary absence.
Enoch Kumar
Missionary to India
Fred Daniel, JR.
I once heard a man mockingly speak ill of Pastor Wingard saying, “All he has at that church is a rescue mission for preachers.” Well, I took that as a compliment- “Pastor Wingard was about the Gospel and helping those in need, even fellow pastors. What a giant of the faith he was!
Randy and Jeanette Alderman
We met Brother Wingard in 1974 when Jeanette came to New Bern and went to Nursing school at Craven Community College while her dad taught at Calvary Baptist Christian School. I was at Bob Jones University and we were long distance dating. Brother Wingard gave us wonderful counsel during the 2 yr. dating period and he and Mrs. Wingard invited me to stay with them when I would visit Jeanette. We were so honored that he would marry us and he and Mrs. Wingard never failed to send an anniversary card which for the last 32 yrs. has arrived in Togo where we serve as missionaries. We can just imagine the welcome that this precious humble faithful servant of God received when he entered heaven. We consider him one of the greatest men that we have ever known.
Julie Monaghan
Even though I only had the blessed opportunity to meet and speak with Pastor Wingard once, I am so thankful to have known him and to hear him preach every week on Calvary Baptist Church’s internet streaming. He was truly a pastor and kind-hearted brother in Christ and I will miss him greatly. I’m sad to not be able to see or hear him now, but rejoice in heart knowing that he is absent from the body and present with the Lord. Praying for all of you, his family and the church.
With love in Christ,
Karl Priest
I first “met” Brother Bill as I listened to FBN on mornings as I traveled to pick up my grandson to take care of for the day.
I liked Brother Bill’s preaching and contacted him.
Although I never met him in person (we exchanged several emails), I considered him a friend and knew him as a brother-in-Christ.
He was a blessing to me!
Tracey Fleming
Pastor Wingard had an impact on my life as a teenager and beyond. He was truly humble and would talk to anyone. He didn’t consider himself to high up to speak to anyone. He truly had a heart for people and would take time to talk with you. He was truly a servant of the Lord.
Larry (Nathan) Powell
Preacher Bill as I always knew him since I was a little boy was a blessing to me, I attended Calvary Baptist Christian School from kindergarten to 7th grade and attended Sunday school & church as I grew up throughout high school graduation. Preach Bill was my Pastor as he was to a lot of people in New Bern, I thank God for placing Preacher Bill where he did, I grew to know God & come to salvations though Jesus Christ given his ministry. I was Baptized by Preacher Bill & he prayed for me & my family throughout my life . I remember when my dad passed away in 2013, Pastor Bill found his way to come to his funeral & as a busy pastor found time to pay his respect & console me & my family during this time. I love his family, his beautiful wife, Mrs. Wingard was my first teacher & I grew up around his daughters Jan, Pam & Patti. I love them all dearly. Although I didn’t really know his son Billy because he was a bit older than me, I knew his parents loved him dearly. I learned a lot of how to be a good Christian, father & son through pastor Bill’s example of what a man of God can be, Pastor Bill will be missed here greatly, but his life will be remembered with great fondness & I’ll always count my blessings for knowing this Great man of God. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful man & family, God bless you all during this time. May God give you the peace & grace that passeth all understanding. Thank you Jesus.
Abraham Uk
His humble life and leadership made a great impact in my life and ministries through World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions. By God’s grace, I was able to meet Pastor Wingard in 2011 at Calvary Baptist Church for the first time. He gave me the privilege to preach in bi-language (English and Burmese). What a great man of God! He will be greatly missed!
Barbara Shuler
My husband and I attended Grace Baptist Church, Pastor Eborn, at that time the church was located in Morehead City. We would attend Pastor’s Wingard’s church during special meetings and I listen to him through WOJT, the Calvary Hour always a blessing. He’s now in the loving arms of Jesus. I’m reminded of a Song Coming Home, Pastor Wingard is home.🙏
Linda Moore (Course)
Preacher Bill had a big part my life and in my being where I am now. God used him to get me to the mission field, redirect the field, and find the man HE had for my life. I’m so glad he was part of my life.
Judi McNeese
Pastor Wingard was one of the most Godly men I have ever met. 2 of my grandchildren attended Calvary School where they were saved and baptized. He also came to my house one day to see my son to witness to but we weren’t home so later in the day he came back. He said Shaun was put on his heart and there in my front room Shaun was witnessed to and save and will be seeing Pastor today. They are both in heaven together. I am so blessed to have known him and his wonderful family. He will be greatly missed.
Preacherel Course
Words of love for the man wo loved everyone. I am thankful for all he did to minister to my daughters. His ministry is being carried on in the lives he touched.
Noel Smothers
Two weeks after our wedding, Joel and I made our way to family fellowship week at Memorial Baptist Church in Florida. While attending the sessions that week, Dr. Wingard had a problem with his rental car and needed a ride. I was so nervous to have the founder of the board in our car! Yet, he treated us with such grace and I remember feeling like he was so respectful of us even as brand new newly weds. When we returned to the hotel after the last session he was attending, Dr. Wingard invited us into his room to sit on his bed and asked us, “Now, what can I do for you? How can I pray for you?” I remember being overwhelmed by his humility. This man didn’t even truly know us and we were just starting out, and yet he took the time to love and pray for us as though we were his own children.
That was four years ago, and we never had a lot of time with him following that brief prayer meeting in his hotel room, but his model of humble leadership has forever impacted us.
May God grant comfort to those loved ones he left behind. I am so thankful to have had the privilege to know him. What a wonderful servant of God. Heaven is all the sweeter.